C minor Scale On Piano

C minor is a musical scale that consists of the pitches C, D, E♭, F, G, A♭, and B♭. When written in scientific notation, it is represented as Cm. This scale is commonly used in music theory and composition and is often used as a starting point for improvisation and melody writing.

The C minor scale is:

The C minor scale

C minor

Relative key Eb Major
Parallel key C major
Dominant key G minor
Subdominant F minor

How to play C minor Scale On Piano

  1. Start by finding the C key on the piano. It is located just to the left of the group of two black keys in the middle of the piano.
  2. Press down on the C key with your thumb. This will be the root note of the C minor scale.
  3. Press down on the D key with your index finger. This will be the second note of the scale.
  4. Press down on the D# (or Eb) key with your middle finger. This will be the third note of the scale.
  5. Press down on the F key with your ring finger. This will be the fourth note of the scale.
  6. Press down on the G key with your little finger. This will be the fifth note of the scale.
  7. Press down on the G# (or Ab) key with your thumb. This will be the sixth note of the scale.
  8. Press down on the A key with your index finger. This will be the seventh note of the scale.
  9. Press down on the Bb (or A#) key with your middle finger. This will be the eighth and final note of the scale.
  10. To play the scale in ascending order, play the notes in the order C, D, D#/Eb, F, G, G#/Ab, A, Bb. To play the scale in descending order, play the notes in the reverse order Bb, A, G#/Ab, G, F, D#/Eb, D, C.
Same Category Post  C# sharp Minor Scale

Note: You can also play the scale in different octaves by starting on a different C key on the piano.

Credit:Thomas Lemmon

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