Penny lane sheet music – B Major

Learning to play the piano takes practice and patience. Sheet music can help one to learn quickly and more easily than traditional learning because it features larger symbols that correspond more closely with their sound than the smaller, black-and-white notes found on a regular sheet of music paper.

The penny lane Styles Pop Rock with the number of Pages 6 file type is PDF for Piano Sheet Music Orginal Key is B Major Difficulty Rating is Medium for Piano Player. Artist by Beatles sheet music Scoring: Piano / Vocal / Chords Instruments: Piano Sheet Music is a great choice for anyone who wants to learn how to play the piano.

Sheet music PDF file given Below
penny lane printable free sheet music for piano

Quick Info – penny lane

We have covered the following information about the Sheet title, Artist, Instrument, Ability, and other details here. Check out the following bullet points and FAQ section to know about the penny lane sheet music and other related information.

  • Title: penny lane
  • Artist: beatles
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Key: B Major
  • Styles: Pop Rock

How to play – penny lane sheet music for Piano?

In this video, you will learn to play penny lane sheet music by Beatles sheet music on the piano. This piano lesson teaches the easy piano chords and accompaniment for the full song, with singing. This piano lesson is perfect for Medium play on the piano and you will be sure to impress your friends and family with your piano skills!

Video Credit: TutorialsByHugo

“penny lane ” Lyrics Beatles

Album: Magical Mystery Tour
Released: 1967

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In Penny Lane there is a barber showing photographs
Of every head he’s had the pleasure to have known
And all the people that come and go
Stop and say hello

On the corner is a banker with a motorcar
The little children laugh at him behind his back
And the banker never wears a mac
In the pouring rain, very strange

Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes
There beneath the blue suburban skies
I sit, and meanwhile back

In Penny Lane there is a fireman with an hourglass
And in his pocket is a portrait of the queen
He likes to keep his fire engine clean
It’s a clean machine

Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes
A four of fish and finger pies
In summer, meanwhile back

Behind the shelter in the middle of a roundabout
The pretty nurse is selling poppies from a tray
And though she feels as if she’s in a play
She is anyway

In Penny Lane the barber shaves another customer
We see the banker sitting waiting for a trim
And then the fireman rushes in
From the pouring rain, very strange

Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes
There beneath the blue suburban skies
I sit, and meanwhile back
Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes
There beneath the blue suburban skies
Penny Lane

5 popular beatless sheet music

S.L Title Keys Artist
#1 Piggies sheet music Ab Major Beatles
#2 Please please me sheet music E Major Beatles
#3 Revolution sheet music C Major Beatles
4# She loves you sheet music G Major Beatles
#5 Shes leaving home sheet music E Major Beatles

Frequently Ask Questions

  1. Q. Who is the Artist of the sheet music?

    penny lane artist by Beatles sheet music.

  2. Q. What types of Instrument penny lane sheet music?

    penny lane sheet music Instrument is Piano Sheet Music

  3. Q. How many pages of this sheet music?

    penny lane is pages 6 in length, it’s the most standard.

  4. Q. What is Scoring about the penny lane?

    penny lane Scoring in Piano / Vocal / Chords.

  5. Q. Can I use the sheet music PDF for personal purposes?

    Yes, You can free use the penny lane music sheet PDF file for personal or educational purposes only.

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Do you need penny lane sheet music PDF


That’s all about penny lane sheet music for piano. We hope this information will provide clear concepts about this printable sheet music. There may have some wrong information, if you find anything like that feel free to Contact Us. Your feedback is highly appreciated and will help us to improve our ability to serve you and other users of our websites.

Note: penny lane piano sheet music and Youtube Video on this post are the Copyrighted Property of their Respective Owners and are Provided for Educational and Personal Use Only.

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