C major Scale On Piano

The key of C major is built on the pitch C, and consists of the notes C, D, E, F, G, A, and B. This key is used often in music, as it is one of the most common keys. There are no flats or sharps in the key signature for C major. The relative minor of C major is A minor, and the parallel minor is C minor.

The C major scale is:

C major

C major
Relative key A minor
Parallel key C minor
Dominant key G major
Subdominant F major

How to play  C major Scale On Piano

The C major scale is a fundamental scale in music theory and is often used as a starting point for learning to play the piano. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to play the C major scale on the piano:

  1. Start by finding the C key on the piano. It is the white key located directly to the left of the group of two black keys.
  2. Press down on the C key with your thumb. This will be the root note of the scale.
  3. Press down on the D key with your index finger. This is the second note of the scale.
  4. Press down on the E key with your middle finger. This is the third note of the scale.
  5. Press down on the F key with your ring finger. This is the fourth note of the scale.
  6. Press down on the G key with your little finger. This is the fifth note of the scale.
  7. Press down on the A key with your thumb. This is the sixth note of the scale.
  8. Press down on the B key with your index finger. This is the seventh note of the scale.
  9. Press down on the C key again with your middle finger. This is the octave of the root note and completes the scale.
  10. To play the scale in ascending order, start on the C key and play each note in succession until you reach the octave. To play the scale in descending order, start on the octave and play each note in reverse order until you reach the C key.
Same Category Post  G-sharp minor Scale

It’s important to practice playing the C major scale in different rhythms, such as slow, medium and fast to help improve your dexterity and speed on the piano. Additionally, practicing the scale with both hands together, can also help in developing your skills.


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