best piano classes in bangalore

There are many piano classes in Bangalore. However, not all of them are good. I would suggest that you find a teacher who is qualified and has the experience to teach your child. You can ask for references from previous students if they have one or just search on the internet for reviews about the teacher. Try to find out about the training program they offer as well as their fees. Also, check whether there is an age limit on admission or whether you can also enroll children of other age groups if required by the instructor/school management. Some schools do not allow children below 10 years of age to take lessons while others allow children above 10 years old but only if they have some basic knowledge about musical instruments like violin, guitar, etc.

It is really hard to pick the best one. But I would suggest, if you want to learn piano and also get a chance to perform in front of people, then you should go for:


This is a music school that provides lessons and instruments to students at affordable prices. The classes are taught by professionals who have been trained by the finest music teachers from all over the world. The course includes theory and piano fundamentals as well as professional performance training. There are different levels of courses available such as beginner, intermediate and advanced classes.

Bangalore Piano Academy:

The academy offers classical piano lessons with a specialization in various styles like pop music, jazz, and blues, etc. This academy also has workshops on various topics like improvisation, composing and sound engineering, etc.
India School of Music: India School of Music is known for its unique methodology which helps students master their musical abilities quickly and efficiently without any fuss or anxiety about practicing every day or memorizing long pieces from books that they may not be able to play after some time because it has been done away with in this learning process called “solfege”. In addition to this methodical approach towards learning music, there are other interesting activities that help develop cognitive skills among children while learning how to play an instrument at the India School of Music.

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I would suggest

My daughter and I go to Carmel Music Academy – Justdial and though we have just begun, we have seen the advanced students there and are pretty impressed!

Plus the faculty there trains students to prepare for various levels and instruments of Trinity College London | Home Exams (the Global standard for most musical certification).

if you can make it to Cunningham Road regularly, just give Carmel Music Academy a call and try them out!


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